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PASCHAL: Formwork - Software - Service

Different types of formwork straight from the manufacturer

The PASCHAL group is an international company specialized in formwork and formwork technology with more than 50 years of experience. The enterprise, family controlled for the past three generations, belongs to the best-known providers of formwork solutions on a world-wide basis and cooperates with numerous trading partners. Production processes that monitor quality and distribution offices in the strategically most important world markets make sure that PASCHAL's clients and partners will get the best formwork solutions for their construction project in the shortest possible time.

Distribution and service for efficient solutions for formwork

We can offer you the most economical solutions for your concrete forming and shoring tasks. As reliable partner we stand for customer-focussed service as well as distribution as needed at home and abroad.

Our offer to you:

PASCHAL Form Work (India) Pvt. Ltd. also provides refurbishment services in the Visakhapatnam factory. Additionally, PASCHAL offers its service after material delivery by facilitating onsite training.

Confidence by advice, security by competence

PASCHAL combines their excellent development competence with professional advice and accompanies individual projects. This results in technically advanced series-made products but also in custom-made products made of steel that are tailor-made to suit customer's specifications. Advisory- and customer services are provided on-site: That is the way PASCHAL makes its globally coordinated expertise available to its clients. Take advantage from our knowledge, our experience, our service for your construction project!

Give us a call or write us an email!

Phone +91 40 6658 0505,

Paschal english GSV DVSzert

We are here for you


Mahalingam Manikandan, Manager

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Phone +91 90 00567557

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