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Carlsberg area – the transformation of a brewery site into a new district in Copenhagen

Construction Site Report

There is a new district in central Copenhagen for mixed use and residential towers of up to 120 metres high. PASCHAL is one of the parties involved, with the 3,000 square metre formwork of the LOGO.3 system, the LOGO.3 dismantling inside corner posts and 1,300 m GASS shoring system.

A completely new district will emerge on the 33-hectare site in central Copenhagen following the departure of the Carlsberg Brewery. Existing buildings from the Carlsberg Brewery that reflect the architecture of the 150 years of Danish brewing will remain distinctive and integrated.

The vision of the investors and planners is to create a diverse, vibrant and sustainable city. To do so, the developer Carlsberg Byen P/S will push forward development and construction of the district over the coming 8 to 10 years to create 600,000 square metres of residential and floor space. There will be a balanced mix of housing, retail, cultural, sports and educational institutions.

Master plan

The master plan for the Carlsberg area originates from the renowned Danish architect Entasis. In 2009, he was awarded the prize for "Best Master" at the World Architecture Festival in Barcelona.

The content of the master plan includes nine towers of 50 to 120 metres in height. There will be retail space on the ground floors. The floors above that are designed for mixed use such as offices, health care services and housing.

Concrete dominates the building design
In the projects currently under construction, prefabricated concrete elements dominate. PASCHAL-Danmark A/S supports the rapid construction process with scaffolding to align and support the prefabricated concrete elements and concreting platforms as fall-protection.

GASS aluminium shoring system

In some areas, the Swedish construction company NCC relies on the flexible and lightweight GASS shoring system to support slab formwork.
The aluminium shoring system can handle up to 140 kN per leg, thus reducing the number of legs required. The legs and two different spindles allow bracing at any height of 1.49 m and higher. The main aluminium girder matched to the system has an effective height of 22.5 cm. Its permissible static values – shearing force, bending moment, moment of inertia – are matched to the system.  

Eight LOGO.3 dismantling inside corner posts in use

The building cores are formed and concreted on site for safe stiffening of the building structure made of prefabricated concrete elements. The stiffening building cores are the staircases, as well as the lift, service and disposal shafts. They are both closely arranged and strongly reinforced. Without the LOGO.3 dismantling inside corner post from PASCHAL, rapid construction progress would be out of the question. At the construction sites, eight inside corner formwork units of different dimensions are provided at floor heights and used one after the other.

LOGO.3 when the scale increases

The LOGO.3 formwork system currently contributes to the “Carlsberg Byen area” when forming largescale in situ concrete structures. In total, 3,060 square metres of LOGO.3 formwork are in use in this construction stage.

The heavily reinforced "cores" required for building stiffening such as lift shafts, staircase walls and service shafts are made on site. Eight LOGO.3 dismantling inside corner posts from PASCHAL are used.

How close to each other the building cores are ar-ranged is documented in the formwork plan from PASCHAL-Danmark A/S, Glostrup.

The heavily reinforced "cores" required for building stiffening such as lift shafts, staircase walls and service shafts are made on site. Eight LOGO.3 dismantling inside corner posts from PASCHAL are used.

How close to each other the building cores are arranged is documented in the formwork plan from PASCHAL-Danmark A/S, Glostrup.

The reinforcing steel is aligned before the next concreting process.

To cast larger internal concrete walls, the construction company NCC relies on the LOGO.3 formwork system.To cast larger internal concrete walls, the construction company NCC relies on the LOGO.3 formwork system.
The stiffening reinforced concrete walls are formed with LOGO.3 proportionate to the floor heights. The formwork prepared for concreting for the first floor is 5.50 metres high. The next two floors also follow at a height of 5.50 metres. The height of the fourth to ninth floors is reduced to 3.70 m.

The Bohrs Tower in the background will reach 100 metres after completion. There are 88 luxury apart-ments on floors 8 to 30.The Bohrs Tower in the background will reach 100 metres after completion. There are 88 luxury apartments on floors 8 to 30. As this building is largely built with prefabricated concrete elements, the stiffening building cores ─ the staircase, as well as the lift, service and disposal shafts ─ are fabricated in cast-in-situ concrete. The LOGO.3 dismantling inside corner post from PASCHAL in various dimensions was used for casting to ensure the required construction progress.

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